Want to know about contraceptives advantages and disadvantages

contraceptives advantages and disadvantages

If you’re sexually active and not have a plan to get pregnant, then you might have to consider using some form of contraception. It can be a bit challenging to find the right one for your situation. There are also many effective options for people with a uterus.

Although condoms are the only type of contraception that can protect you from sexually transmitted infections, there are other methods that can also help to prevent pregnancy. There are various types of hormonal, long-acting, emergency, and non-hormonal options. These non-hormonal methods, such as condoms and copper coils, are mainly designed to prevent sperm from getting into an egg. They don’t affect the levels of hormones in the body. One type of hormonal contraception, which is commonly referred to as the pill, is able to prevent pregnancy by interfering with the hormonal fluctuations of the woman.


One of the most effective ways to prevent pregnancy is by using a condom. It’s a barrier that stops sperm from entering an egg. Men’s external condoms are the most popular type of contraception. However, internal condoms are also available, and they’re less popular.

An external condom is more effective than a traditional one. With typical use, these types of condoms are 82% effective. If five of your friends use these types of condoms, then one of them will become pregnant in a year.

Although internal condoms are generally more effective than external ones, they’re still 79% effective with typical use. This means that 21 out of 100 women will get pregnant using internal contraception.

Pros and cons of condoms

External condoms are typically cheaper than internal ones. They can be bought at supermarkets, pharmacies, and vending machines. Unlike Durex external condoms, internal ones can be used up to 8 hours before intercourse. They’re also more effective at preventing sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy. However, they can slip off or break, and they can be very expensive compared to external ones. In addition, internal condoms are prone to making oil-based lubricants more vulnerable, which can also make them harder to find. They do not protect against HPV, which can also be sexually transmitted by men.

Contraceptive implant

A small plastic stick is inserted under the skin of an upper arm to implant a progestogen-filled device, which prevents the sperm from reaching an egg. This procedure, which is commonly referred to as a LARC method, lasts for three years.

Pros of the implant

It’s a quick and easy procedure for women who don’t want to use oestrogen. It can be used for those who are unable to get pregnant naturally.

Cons of the implant

In addition to swelling and bruising, the insertion of the implant can also cause pain in the arm. Although infections are rare, it can be hard to remove it due to the scar tissue. In the first few months, the implant can cause various side effects. These include breast tenderness, weight loss, and headaches. During the first year, the implant can cause weight gain and irregular periods. It can also stop working properly for certain conditions, such as epilepsy and tuberculosis.